My Holiday Writing

In my holidays i went to a funeral to celebrate a dads friend’s death i cried half way through the funeral then I played tag outside after the funeral.

Then i went to mega air for a friend’s birthday and got a spider tv in the toilet tower defence.

Lastly, I went to play in an arcade called the oasis. It was very fun with VR zombies. was scary.


The Last Week Of Term

Hello This post is about the last week of term 3. We went to willow bank alpine ice top trams skate skool it was fun. But at skate skool I Sprained my ankle i did not notice until I got home. Then I put on a compression band and I slept. and then i woke up and it was fine but still hurt a little bit that was my story.

Fifa Woman’s World Cup

This week we have been learning about the FIFA women’s Football World cup. We had to select a country that is competing at the world cup to research. I am interested in USA so that was the country I chose. I completed a D.L.O on USA which I have shared. 

*Who do you think will win the world cup?*